National Back to School Month

Sunday, August 1 - Tuesday, August 31, All Day

Although many school districts begin in September, we celebrate National Back to School Month as a way to prepare for the coming school year.

Visit our Safe Routes to School resource page to learn what you can do and how KMM can help.

Walk and Bike to School Events

Walk and bike events, like International Walk to School Day in October, are a great way to introduce an SRTS program and get families excited about walking to school. KMM works with organizers to plan the event, map a suitable route and provide support materials.

Walk Safety Assembly

Crossing the street, traffic signals, crosswalks, and more are covered in this 45-minute interactive program ideal for first and second graders. The presentation uses slides and short videos. Giveaways include bookmarks, stickers, and glow-in-the-dark bracelets

Bike Safety Presentation

KMM presents a 20-minute program on bike safety including helmet use and fitting, basic traffic rules, and parts of the bicycle. Ideal for grades 4-6.

Bike Rodeo

This bike skills course helps students learn the basics of safe bicycling on a fun off-road course. Rodeos can be run during school, at an after-school program, at a summer camp, or during a community festival. KMM will plan your bike rodeo, layout a safety course, direct the event, and train volunteer

Walking School Bus

A walking school bus is a group of students walking together to school on a regular basis. Parents often take turns “driving” the bus, walking with the students, and providing supervision. KMM will help plan a route, assist in developing policies and procedures and provide a safety orientation to volunteers.

School Travel Plan

KMM works with schools and towns to create a plan to improve the walk or bike to school – this may include street fixes, educational programs, and police enforcement. This “school travel plan” is a blueprint for making improvements over time – and enables towns and schools to apply for supporting grants. KMM will prepare the plan with the participation of the Board of Education, municipality, parents, and community leaders.