For many people, a car is more than just a motor vehicle. Cars can be personal extensions to our everyday lives. They can reflect the type of person we are.
Right now somewhere in the U.S. a car has just been stolen. In fact, according to the FBI, in the U.S. a motor vehicle is stolen every 45 seconds https://impotenciastop.pt/.
Crazy, right?
Would you be prepared if it happened to you? The best way to prevent motor vehicle theft is to prevent the theft in the first place. Luckily, here are a few preventive measures you can take to keep you car safe.
Never leave your car running or the doors/windows unlocked. Especially while your vehicle is unattended – this is very important. If your car is off but your doors are unlocked, a theft can easily make their way into your car and take whatever they want.
You should never leave keys in your car where they are visible to others passing by. You should ALWAYS take them with you when you park or leave your car.
Lastly, never leave valuables in your car. Not in plain sight where they will become easy targets for a theft. Cell phones, GPS’s, laptops and money are possible items that a theft can be looking for. If these items are easily spotted, then they can easily be taken.
Research shows that 40-50 percent of vehicle thefts are due to an error made by the driver. Many errors are silly mistakes that can be fixed. By acting today and following these preventive measures can help save you and your car from motor vehicle theft.