How do YOU get to Work?

nj tmac, nj, tmaRegardless of where you live in New Jersey, there is a TMA that can help YOU get to work.  What is a TMA?  Don’t worry.  You are not alone in asking this question.

For starters, KMM is a TMA (yes, that is a mouth-full of acrynoms).  In a nutshell, our office helps commuters find ways to get work and communicate all things related to commuting.

Officially, TMA’s are transportation management associations that serve specific counties throughout the state of New Jersey that work with businesses, commuters, county and local government and state agencies to implement programs that reduce traffic congestions and improve air quality.  No matter where you live in New Jersey, there is a TMA that can offer you travel options across the state.

So take a moment to find the TMA that serves your area.  Most of the programs and services they provide are free and are ready to help you with….

Train Schedules

Carpools & Vanpool

Bike Lockers and Maps

Commuter Reward Programs



Park & Ride

Traffic Alerts

….Because there is always more than one way to get to work!


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