Join INN

INNIn the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy in October 2012, one thing was clear. Information is key and getting it fast is essential. With widespread power outages, many of our commuters depended on their smart phone to get information during and after the storm. Armed with this knowledge, KMM has completely re-invented the ETN to give subscribers a greater degree of information delivered right to their smart phones.

KMM is proud to introduce Middlesex County Information Notification Network – be in the INN and get the information you need.

INN is customizable based on the type of information the user is seeking. INN offers traffic alerts, train alerts, bus alerts, municipal alerts and ozone alerts, in addition to the many other options. Users can receive this information via text or email and can manage their profile on the KMM website.

INN provides commuters and residents with a central, easy to access information page personalized for their needs. For example, a commuter who lives in Cranbury and commutes to North Brunswick could register for not only traffic alerts, but could register for the municipal alerts for both townships. During emergencies, the commuter will receive the latest information on current road status and other information relevant to the origin and destination points.

Current ETN members have been automatically transferred to the new system without disruption in their selected customized alerts. Already, many have begun to take advantage of new types of alerts INN provides, and it’s all at no cost to subscribers.

We can’t control forces of nature but we can stay informed and connected. The KMM staff, like many of the commuters who use our services, understand the need to continually improve upon programs like INN, and we are committed to providing the most comprehensive program we can. Join INN and register for the Middlesex County Information Notification Network by visiting

Remove Your Car From the Street… It Could Save Your Life

Awhile back, I was a member of the governing body in my town.  From time to time, constituents would call about any number of issues.  Calls piled high immediately after a snow storm.  Mostly, residents complained that they had been ticketed for leaving their cars on the street.

MH900289534I would explain that our town, like many communities, requires vehicles to be removed from the street when snow fall reaches a certain level. For some towns, it’s two inches.  In others, it may be “when the street is snow-covered.”  In my town, the day before a storm, the Public Works guys post signs up and down the street, reminding people to move their vehicles off the roadway.  Some communities use reverse 911 messaging systems to call residents.

These policies were not adopted to be mean.  They are not meant to inconvenience people.  They are definitely not meant to be revenue generators, as a disgruntled citizen always suggests.  They are meant to save lives.

Think about it.  Cars parked on the street, impede snow removal.  If the snow can’t be removed, the roads cannot be plowed adequately.  If the roads cannot be plowed adequately, ambulances, fire trucks, and police cars may not be able to respond quickly to emergencies.  If emergency personnel cannot respond quickly, a house could burn down or someone could die.

So, follow the rules.  Get your car off the street prior to a major snowfall.  Squeeze your family’s vehicles into your driveway or onto your lawn.  Make arrangements with your neighbor or a local business.  Learn if your town allows residents to move their cars to municipal parking lots.

Yes, it’s a pain.  But it would be a lot more painful if you or your family needed emergency services, and first responders couldn’t respond.


Be Prepared – And its New Meaning

Many of us thought that if we had batteries stocked, bottled water stored and our smart phones handy, we were prepared.  Unfortunately, we were proven wrong last October as Hurricane Sandy crashed upon our shores.  Since then, our approach to preparedness has changed.  Our emergency kits haveMH910221066 evolved and our attention to warnings has heightened.

With the New Year upon us, we at KMM thought to share with you what is in our emergency kit.  Some of these items have been listed before, but it is important to keep the kit current.

  • Water in plastic containers – one bottle per person.
  • Cell Phone/ Laptop Chargers – this should be in addition to your everyday charges – one that is always in your kit.
  • A list of important numbers – local police and fire and township and insurance agency – these days, most numbers are programmed in devices that only work with power.
  • Evacuation Routes and Center location – know before a storm where to go.
  • Copies of Important Documentation – insurance, mortgage and social security cards.
  • All medicines, prescriptions – enough for two weeks.
  • Transistor radio – when power is lost, this can be your only lifeline.
  • Subscribe to Nixle, NJOEM, American Red Cross and our very own ETN – alerts will be sent to your smart phone and keep you updated.

So along with eating healthy, exercising more and saving money – make sure to be prepared is right there on your list of things to change for 2013.

From our office to you and yours, A Happy and Safe 2013!