“I, therefore, openly repaired to Barcelona, that repository of politeness…that agreeable scene of unshaken friendship, unparalleled both in beauty and situation!” Don Quixote
It was a beautiful and sunny day as my wife, daughters, and I left our cruise ship to enjoy the beauty of Barcelona. No tour bus for us. We wanted to experience this Mediterranean jewel on foot.
We weren’t the only ones.

Everywhere, the streets were filled with tourists, students, businessmen and women, even the elderly walking, bicycling or zipping around on Vespa scooters. Walking through town, we experienced the history and culture of Spain’s most cosmopolitan city. The excitement and energy pulsed around us in this city so ancient yet so modern. For me, it was a transportation professional’s dream.
I was fascinated by the mixed land use, marriage of old and new. Likewise, the commitment to a balanced transportation system proved that a “streets that work for all” approach can work in a large city. The streets were shared by motor vehicles, pedestrians, bicyclists, and public transit services. Barcelona’s population exceeds 1.5 million. With considerable distance between tourist areas and monuments, the best way to get around is by using the underground subway. It is clean, on time, and efficient.
The bus system is enhanced with beautifully designed shelters that attracted passengers of all ages. I noticed city maps, route maps, stop signs, benches and other amenities at all stops along the main routes.
Overall, it appeared that transportation and transportation planning seem to be high priorities for Barcelona’s city officials, professionals, and decision makers. It works well, and was well appreciated by this tourist.
Each Wednesday, KMM’s staff members share stories and anecdotes about their
memorable vacations, recent and past. These will be personal
recollections about trips to our beloved Jersey shore, across America,
and around the world. Changes in Latitude………..