KMM Announces New Executive Director

Keep Middlesex Moving, Inc.,
Announces New Executive Director


NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ., August 26, 2024— The Keep Middlesex Moving Board of Trustees is pleased to announce that Brian Tobin has been named as the new Executive Director of Keep Middlesex Moving Inc. (KMM).

“The Board of Trustees is excited to welcome Brian to our organization,” stated John Reissner, Chairman of Keep Middlesex Moving. “With his broad experience in both transportation and the non-profit sector, Brian’s appointment marks a significant step toward enhancing our initiatives and expanding our reach,” added Reissner. “His proven leadership and innovative approach will be invaluable as we strive to promote safer, more efficient transportation options for our community.”

With a background encompassing business development, public education initiatives, grant writing, and management, his strategic focus will be strengthening relationships with local, county, and regional stakeholders, fostering new business partnerships, and identifying opportunities to enhance safe and accessible transportation options for Middlesex County’s residents, businesses, and commuters.

Tobin aims to prioritize innovative solutions that address the evolving needs of the county’s transportation infrastructure. “Keep Middlesex Moving is an incredible Middlesex organization, and I am eager to collaborate with such a dedicated team and to contribute to the organization’s mission of enhancing transportation safety and efficiency,” Tobin stated. “We are on the brink of significant changes in how people move around. Embracing new technologies and sustainable practices will be crucial in creating a safer, more efficient transportation network that serves everyone in Middlesex County.”

KMM is the non-profit 501(c)(3) Transportation Management Association (TMA) for Middlesex County. For 36 years, KMM has worked with businesses, commuters, elected officials, community groups, and other partners to implement programs that reduce congestion, increase safety, and improve air quality. KMM is funded, in part, by the Federal Highway Administration via the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA), the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT), NJ TRANSIT, the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety (NJDHTS), and other private funding sources.

“We are confident that under Brian’s leadership, KMM will continue to innovate and excel,” Reissner concluded. “His vision aligns perfectly with our mission, and we are eager to see the positive impact he will make on transportation in Middlesex County.”

Mr. Tobin is a lifelong New Jersey resident residing in Metuchen, NJ. He holds a master’s degree in history from Rutgers University and serves as a trustee for the Intelligent Transportation Society of New Jersey and the New Jersey Society of Asphalt Technologists. Before coming to KMM, Brian was a project manager at Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT) and served as executive director for the New Jersey Asphalt Pavement Association (NJAPA) and the Associated General Contractors of New Jersey (AGC of NJ).

What is Vision Zero?


Each year, thousands of people are killed in roadway crashes and millions more are injured.  It doesn’t have to be this way. Vision Zero aspires to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries by increasing safe, active, and equitable mobility for all.  Vision Zero is more than a dream.  It is an attainable objective that prioritizes proven safety strategies, encourages a shared goal of zero deaths, focuses on data driven decision making, and implements a safe systems approach. ZERO.  That is the only acceptable number of traffic deaths and serious injuries from roadway crashes. You can help us reach zero deaths by following these easy steps:



Vision Zero Resources


Vision Zero Network

Middlesex County, NJ Vision Zero Action Plan

Vision Zero New Jersey Alliance

NJ Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center

Families for Safe Streets NJ


Vision Zero in The News

A New Jersey City Hasn’t Had a Traffic Death in Seven Years

Jersey City Receives NJDOT Award for Vision Zero Action Plan


Special Thanks

Nikhil Badlani Foundation


This publication was prepared with funding from the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of NJTPA and FHWA in the interest of information exchange. The NJTPA is solely responsible for its contents.

New Jersey Safe Passing Law

Happy 2024! A new year brings with it new possibilities, like the opportunity to reduce crash fatalities on our roadways. According to the 2023 NJ State Police Fatal Crash Statistics  172 pedestrians and 23 cyclists were killed on New Jersey’s roadways last year. That means 195 families were left with at least one empty seat at their holiday gatherings due to these preventable deaths.

The New Jersey Safe Passing law, also called Oscar’s Law after Oscar Zanoni, a 44 year old Metuchen resident that was fatally killed by a tractor trailer on Rt. 27 in Edison, went into effect on March 1, 2022. The law aims to prevent injuries and fatalities caused by motor vehicle crashes with bicyclists, pedestrians, and other road users. This year, we are asking all motorists to help keep everyone safe by following these common sense rules:


  • Drivers must move over a lane (if there’s one to move into) while following all current no-passing and no speeding laws.
  • On a single-lane road, drivers must provide a distance of at least 4 feet to safely pass a vulnerable road user.
  • If 4 feet is not possible, drivers must slow to 25 mph and be prepared to stop until they can pass safely without endangering those sharing the road.


Drivers who are caught violating the law will receive a $100 fine (causing bodily injury results in a $500 fine and 2 motor vehicle points).

You can hear the story of how the NJ Safe Passing law was implemented, by checking out our Mobility Matters podcast interview with Metuchen Borough Council President, Jason Delia.

Together we can make 2024 the safest year ever for pedestrians, cyclists, and all road users!


Additional resource and information about the NJ Safe Passing Law can be found at the following links:

NJ Statute 39:4-92.4

NJ Division of Highway Traffic Safety

NJ Bicycle Pedestrian Resource Center at Rutgers University

NJ Bike Walk Coalition

Metuchen Man’s Death Spurs Pedestrian Safety Legislation


Go Take A Hike on National #TakeAHike Day!

Hiking is a great outdoor activity delivering benefits beyond scenic and fun. Unlike regular walking, hiking involves much more. Here are some safety tips to cover before you go out for your hike.

  1. Check the weather. Leading up to and a few hours before your hike, check the weather. The weather, especially this time of year, isn’t always predictable. It’s better to be aware and prepared instead of being surprised while on your hike.
  2. Pack the essentials. Nothing is worse than being on your hike and not being prepared for emergency situations. Some key essentials to have with you at all times are a map/compass, sunscreen, extra clothing, cell phone, water, and food.
  3. Wear the right clothing. Painful feet can ruin any hike. Invest in high-quality hiking shoes and thick socks. Wearing layers is the best way to be prepared. You can always take them off and put them back on when needed.
  4. Know where you’re going. Before heading on your hike, make sure that you and whoever else is going are aware of where you are going. Showing up for hiking and not knowing where to go can lead to an unsuccessful hike. Go over the trail and/or trails that you will be covering that day, that way you can be safe and enjoy the experience.

Not sure where to go?  Here are some of our staff’s favorite places to Hike!

World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims (WDR)

The World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims (WDR) is commemorated on the third Sunday of November each year.

It is a high-profile global event to remember the many millions who have been killed and seriously injured on the world’s roads and to acknowledge the suffering of all affected victims, families, and communities – millions added each year to countless millions already suffering: a truly tremendous cumulative toll.

This Day has also become an important tool for governments and all those whose work involves crash prevention or response to the aftermath of crashes since it offers the opportunity to demonstrate the enormous scale and impact of road deaths and injuries, call for an end to the often trivial and inappropriate response to road death and injury and advocate for urgent concerted action to stop the carnage.

On World Day we too pay tribute to the dedicated emergency crews, police, and medical professionals, who deal daily with the traumatic aftermath of road crashes.



Halloween Safety Tips

The ghosts, monsters and other creatures walking the streets on Oct. 31 aren’t the most frightful thing about Halloween. Here’s a scary fact: Halloween is the most dangerous night of the year for children walking on roadways across the country.

Children are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween than any other night of the year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. And the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that children are four times more likely to be hit by a vehicle on Halloween. That makes following safe pedestrian and driver practices all the more important as children set out to trick or treat this year.

For Pedestrians

• Make sure costumes don’t impair your child’s ability to walk or see. warns against wearing masks that can limit visibility.

• Before crossing look left, right, and then left again.

• Use sidewalks. When there are no sidewalks, walk-facing traffic.

• Be visible. The Safe Kids Worldwide campaign suggests adding reflective tape to costumes or having children carry a light or glow stick. A survey by the group found that only 18 percent of parents have their children use safety lighting on Halloween.

• Cross at corners and intersections and use marked crosswalks when possible.

For Drivers

• Obey the speed limit. AAA suggests driving 5 mph below the posted speed limit on Halloween.

• Stop for pedestrians. New Jersey law requires motorists to stop for pedestrians in cross-walks. Violations of the law carry a $200 fine and two points on your license.

• Don’t drive distracted. New Jersey prohibits talking and texting while driving. Fines range from $200 for first-time offenders to as much as $800 for repeat offenders.


Everyone is a Pedestrian – October is Pedestrian Safety Month

More than 6 in 10 people walk for transportation, exercise, relaxation, or other activities. The benefits of walking extend beyond personal and physical, to environmental benefits that can lead to healthier, quieter, cleaner, and safer streets. Walking can also improve local economies and enhance social and community engagement, leading to more vibrant, resilient, and livable spaces.

Unfortunately, in 2019 there were 6,205 pedestrians killed and 76,000 injured in traffic crashes. On average, a pedestrian was killed every 85 minutes and injured every 7 minutes in 2019. Please use these materials to increase awareness about how we can combat pedestrian crashes in our communities.

To learn more or to implement a pedestrian safety program, please contact our offices at



Shared from NHTSA

Remote and Hybrid Work Schedules – Are they right for your industry?

Remote work, hybrid schedules, and flexible office hours are becoming standard practices in the workplace.  Each can be unique to the office environment or industry.   To help ensure success across your organization, let’s start with the basics:

Remote Work – Remote work is a type of working arrangement that allows an employee to work from a remote location outside of corporate offices.

Hybrid Schedules – Hybrid schedules combine both remote, in person, and even flex hours.

Flex Hours – Flex hours are an arrangement that allows an employee to alter the starting and/or end time of her/his workday. Employees still work the same number of scheduled hours as they would under a traditional schedule.


Once you determine which type of work arrangement is suitable for your office environment, here are some points to consider:

Evaluate your Hardware: If employees are working remotely or hybrid, they will need access to company files and programs.  Laptops, wifi connections, and other accessories may be needed to allow employees to work productively and effectively.

Establish Schedules:  Whether remote, hybrid or working flexible hours, each employee’s schedule should be defined. Use a shared calendar to indicate everyone’s schedule. Also, set a firm day and time for weekly staff meetings.  This allows everyone to convene together at a designated time each week.  This makes planning meetings and schedules easier and a great way to stay abreast of what everyone is working on.

Take Advantage of Technology:  Video tools, CRM databases, and project management programs make it easier for team members to collaborate on projects and tasks regardless of their location.

Keep Communication Open: Maintaining company culture is key to the business’s success.  Be proactive and organize events for both in-office and remote work staff.  Employees appreciate a manager who is a clear communicator and offers clear direction.


Here is a list of additional resources from The Society for Human Resource Management:

Policy and Procedure

Managing Flexible Schedules

Creating a Program Right for your Company

A Walk in the Park – Week 4

Week 4 Relaxation Week 

“Stop and smell the roses,” isn’t really about roses.  It’s about taking time to relax and appreciate the world around us.  Enjoy a leisurely walk along the bay at Raritan Bay Park or stroll the boardwalk at Old Bridge Waterfront Park.

And don’t forget the Middlesex Greenway, with a 10-foot wide, paved trail suitable for walking, biking, and jogging:

Raritan Bay Park

Old Bridge Water Front Park

We’d love to post your photos,  send them to

A Walk in the Park – Week 3

Week 3 Family Outing Week

Middlesex County parks are family-friendly.   Johnson Park in Piscataway boasts a pirate playground, a restored 18th-century village, and, along with Merrill and Thompson Parks, an animal haven. Fishing is permitted in many of the parks.  Be sure to check for licensing regulations.  Of course, there are picnicking, ball fields and so much more.  Pack up the family and enjoy a day in the park.

For more information about Animal Havens:  Thompson Park, Merrill Park, Johnson Park.

For information about East Jersey Old Town Village: East Jersey Old Town Village

For information about fishing in Middlesex County Parks: