Fishing Trip Tips

As we head into the last week of summer, back to school is on everyone’s mind. BUT before summer ends, grab your friends and family and have a go at fishing! After all, August is National Fishing Month so what better way is there to celebrate other than doing just that?

It does not matter what age you are, or what previous experience you have. Fishing can be for everyone! Here are some tips to help you plan for the perfect fishing day:

Understand the basics. Get familiar with such tasks as adding fishing bait to the hooks, tying the knots and casting your line. These tasks are essential in order to fish.

Location. Have an idea of where/when you would like to fish and do research. Some places require permits in order to fish on the property, but many local ponds and waterfronts do not require this information.

Check the weather. An overcast day can lead to some of the most successful fishing trips. If being in the rain isn’t your thing, fishing on a warm sunny day will also allow you to get a good catch.

Patience. This is what fishing is all about. Staying calm, cool and collected while waiting for that bite will make your fishing experience so much better.

With a little bit of knowledge, understanding, and patience you are ready to take a go at fishing!  Enjoy your trip and remember to drive safe and drive smart to and from your fishing trip!