Now that children have returned to school in our area, there will be many vehicles on the roads. Beside school buses, there will be plenty of parents rushing to get their children not only to school, but to their after school activities too! This year, why not set up a carpool!
Setting up a weekly carpool for your children can help you save money, protect the environment, and provide some much-needed help to a fellow busy parent. Creating a schedule for your weekly carpool allows flexibility for the families involved all while saving time and money. How? It’s simple.
Carpooling kids to school, activities, games, and practices will decrease the amount of cars on the road and around the community. More carpooling equals less cars on the road which in turn means less carbon and other gasses and pollution getting into the air. This protects the environment by keeping the air, water, and land cleaner. Air pollution caused by auto emissions can significantly increase the likelihood of health issues and stress. By carpooling it becomes far less stressful than simply commuting on your own.
Ultimately carpooling is a great way to interact with friends. Children have the chance to spend more time with their friends in a non-scheduled way. They will enjoy their company, laughter, and presence. And most importantly, it gives parents the fuel (pun totally intended) to keep up with their children’s busy schedule.
So make this the year that you carpool! We promise it will make life much easier.