A Brief History of Carpooling

12847ff5b3499cc22b77bb379a864543While KMM’s history with ridesharing goes back 25 years, ridesharing can be traced to the early 20th century. The Model T lured commuters off streetcars and into private vehicles. The start of WWI and the 1914 recession inspired entrepreneurs to offset the costs of car ownership by picking up streetcar passengers and transporting them to their destinations for a “jitney,” the 5-cent cost of a streetcar fare. During WWII, early attempts to promote “car clubbing” were largely ignored, in part because, the general public didn’t understand the need to conserve fuel.

This changed when the United States entered the war. “They Do It, So Can We” was one of many patriotic appeals appearing on posters and ads. The gas shortages of the 1970s encouraged a 55 mph speed limit and high occupancy vehicle lanes. Additionally, funding initiatives to promote ridesharing were introduced and for the first time,  ridesharing was linked to improved air quality.

Today carpooling has evolved into apps, online programs, point systems and sometimes even “slugging”.  Our reasons for carpooling range from saving money, convenience and creating a more sustainable community.  But regardless of how we carpool or why we carpool, carpooling – we think – is here to stay.

The Heat is On!

ar117877265593045It’s only May and the heat is on!  The quality of the air we breathe can have huge implications on our health and well being. Ground level ozone is most dangerous during the hot summer months when strong sunlight and hot weather combine and react with ground level pollution. According to the American Lung Association, 58% of the US population live in areas with unhealthy ozone levels.

Unhealthy ozone levels can make it difficult to breath deeply and damage the airwaves. Children, the elderly, and those with lung disease are most vulnerable during elevated ozone days. Therefore it is important we take necessary precautions on those particular days and try to avoid prolonged outdoor activities.

We can also do our part to reduce ground level ozone by following some simple steps:

  1. Don’t Idle. Not only is burning gas “fuelish”, but exhaust emitted from vehicles releases carbon      dioxide into the air and contributes to climate change.
  2. Refuel during the evening and don’t “top-off” your fuel tank.
  3. Postpone mowing the lawn and grilling until later in the day.
  4. Schedule strenuous activities for early morning or late evening.
  5. Register for KMM’s Ozone Action Partnership.

The New Jersey Ozone Action Partnership is comprised of hundreds of corporations, government agencies and individuals working to reduce ground-level ozone pollution and curtail its detrimental effects on our health and the environment. As a member of the Partnership, your organization will receive an email alert on days when ground level ozone pollution is in the unhealthy range along with “tips” to help reduce ground level ozone. To register for KMM’s Ozone Action Partnership, and learn more about the Anti-Idling program, visit www.kmm.org.

Share the Road, Save a Life!

share-the-road1The warm weather has finally arrived and that means more people are leaving their cars behind and opting for pedal power to get to their destinations. Not only is this a fun way to explore the sights and sounds of the GardenState, but it also incorporates physical fitness into your day. And for many NJ residents, bicycling is the only form of transportation to get to and from work.

If you’re an avid bike rider, you’re probably aware of the rules of the road, but if you’re not very experienced, or just prefer to drive in the comfort of your car at all times, it’s important to remember that the road belongs to both bicyclists and automobiles. We need to practice mutual respect and follow all state and local traffic laws in order to reach our destinations safely.

New Jersey’s Motor Vehicles and Traffic Regulations laws recognizes bicycles as a vehicle and grants bicyclists all the same rights and responsibilities as any other automobile traveling along our state’s roadways. This means, that bicycles are permitted on all roadways, unless expressly stated otherwise, and must follow the same traffic rules and patterns as motor vehicles.

According to the Tri-State Transportation Campaign, there are an average of 173 reported bicycle accidents in MiddlesexCounty every year. In 2010, the National Highway Traffic Safety Commission reported 12 fatalities related to bicycle accidents throughout the state.

So what can we do to prevent bicycling accidents and fatalities? Bikeleague.org offers these common sense tips to bicyclists and motorists:



Obey all vehicle traffic laws, lights and signs

Use hand signals to signify stops and turns to other vehicles

Stay to the right of the road and always ride in the same direction as traffic

Wear bright colored/reflective clothing and a proper fitting helmet

Use front and rear lights when riding at dawn and dusk

Make eye contact with the driver of other vehicles and proceed with caution.



Reduce speed when approaching bicyclists

Do not tailgate or follow too closely; Give the bicyclist space

Yield to bicyclists and give them the right of way, do not try to beat them to the intersection.

When passing, leave four feet between you and the bike rider

Do not blast your horn next to a bicyclist, as this may startle the rider and cause them to lose control.

Make eye contact with the bicyclist and proceed with caution.

Remember the road belongs to everyone. Following these simple rules will ensure we all have a safe and happy trip.

NJ Summer Shore – Get Ready, It’s Almost Here!

Android_NJ_playFor many New Jersey residents, driving down the shore is part of their very summer being.  It’s as natural as waking up and brushing their teeth.  This year, more than ever, returning to the Jersey Shore is a symbol of triumph and strength after suffering devastation at the hands of Super Storm Sandy.

In less than 10 days, the Jersey Shore will officially open its beaches on Memorial Day Weekend and kick off the 2013 Summer season.  Along with the smiles and splashes in the ocean waters, however, comes the traffic and delays on the roads.  And while I am sure it will be a welcome sight for many,  sitting is traffic can totally be avoided this year.

How you ask?

The NJ Turnpike Authority recently launched the SafeTripNJ application for all smartphones.  This hands free app offers you traffic advisories in real-time as you are traveling.  The app will remain on while you drive, automatically activating when you approach an area impacted by an  advisory. The app will broadcast  any travel alerts for reported conditions within a set mile-range (that you can set for yourself) of your current location.

So this summer, download the app and jump onto your route to the Jersey Shore.  Smile as you pass your favorite landmarks to your final shore town destination – all while avoiding sitting in summer traffic.  Because this year,  We are Jersey – Jersey Strong.

Are you Ready to Ride?

2013logoMay is National Bike Month.

The mornings are bright, the weather is warm, and it’s a perfect time to start biking to work.

Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Know where to go
Take some time to map out your route before you start. The shortest route tends to be the busiest – going a little bit out of the way can lead you to quiet parallel streets for a more enjoyable ride. Other cyclists prefer the direct route – look for bike lanes and wide shoulders for a comfortable and speedy ride.
Get your bike in shape
Check over your bike to make sure it’s in good working order, especially if you haven’t ridden it in a while. Check the tire pressure, brakes, chain and gears. If in doubt, take it to your local bike shop for a tune up.
Ride safe
Riding predictably is the most important thing you can do when riding on the road. A bike is a vehicle – use your turn signals (your arms!) to let drivers know when you’re turning, and always obey traffic signs and signals. And always wear a helmet – it’s your last line of defense.
Be visible
Coming home late? Use a front white light and a rear red light – it’s common sense and it’s the law. Wear light-colored clothing and consider reflective gear.
Enjoy the ride
It’s spring! Take it easy and enjoy the blooming trees and fresh air.
Now that your ready, grab your helmets and get on your bike! 
Share your photos of your bike adventure with us by emailing us at cfowler@kmm.org!

Grab Your Helmets!

2013logoBicycling to work not only benefits our environment, but our personal health as well.  Dependence on the automobile harms our planet and can create unnecessary stress in our lives.  Choosing an alternative form of transportation,  like the bicycle, can help to improve pollution, traffic congestion, and safety concerns. It even saves you money!

Bike to Work Week is an international event that encourages commuters to ride their bike to work at least once during the week.  The event ultimately raises awareness about the ease of using a  bicycle for everyday transportation needs and the environmental and health benefits of doing so.

So grab your helmets and join KMM and bike to work.  Remember, biking to your school, train station or even biking while runnning errands qualifies as biking.  Everyone who registers for this program will even be entered to win tickets to a show at the State Theater in New Brunswick or Playhouse 22!  For all the details and to register, visit the KMM site and get biking today!

Make an Impact this Earth Day



The idea that even the smallest changes can impact and create big change rings very true this Earth Day.  KMM is taking this idea and giving you the chance to make a change.


It’s easy –   GO Green!



Go Green while driving. Turn off your car when idling and avoid using drive through for banking, coffee and other errands. icon_car



GO Green at home! Unplug all appliances that use standby power: coffee machines, alarm clocks, toaster ovens, blenders and lamps. icon_house




Even at the office – Go Green and walk or brown bag your lunch. Everyone who takes the pledge will receive a small packet of seeds to plants and a handy info graphic pledge card.


Visit https://www.kmm.org/kmm_earthday2013.php to take the pledge today!

Let us Come to You This Spring

MH900439345No two companies are alike.  Employee make-up, company goals and geographic locations are just some of the markers that define a company.  At KMM, we understand this reality.  In fact, our approach in assisting companies with commuter benefits makes this a priority.

Interested in learning more about KMM’s programs? Wondering if a fellow employee commutes along the same road? Interested in learning about transit availability near your job? Why not host a transportation fair at your worksite?  A KMM transportation fair is easy to schedule and can be held in conjunction with an employer event, such as Earth Day, or a benefits fair.  KMM staff can also set up an informational table at a central location during lunch to address questions regarding transportation issues and offer informational brochures on a host of commuter programs. You can even schedule an information session for your club or civic group.

In addition, KMM offers a comprehensive package of services, incentives, information and recognition developed by KMM to help employers make it easier for their employees to get to work.
Here are some of the services KMM can provide:

  • On-site transportation fairs
  • On-site transit passes and tax benefit programs
  • Site-specific newsletters for employees

Start fresh this Spring and contact KMM today for a customized transportation fair.  Visit us online or call our offices at 732-745-4465.

THE Guide for Transit Users

traincommuterThe newly updated 2013 Middlesex County Transit Guide is now available for pre-order. The Guide maps local, regional, and interstate bus routes in Middlesex County and key adjacent points. It also shows the NJ Transit Northeast Corridor, North Jersey Coast and Raritan Valley rail lines, and Amtrak service.

The back of the map provides a description in both English and Spanish of information useful to transit riders. This includes bus boarding procedures and use of the rail system, fares, special programs, transfers, senior/disabled resident provisions, services to Newark International Airport and Atlantic City, and listings of the various service providers and their respective routes, bus ticket agents, and related websites and telephone numbers.

The map was revised by Keep Middlesex Moving and the Middlesex County Office of Planning with a grant from NJ Transit.   For a copy, email our office at 732-745-4465

Safer Routes to School, All Year Round

Through a partnership with the New Jersey Department of Transportation and local communities and schools, KMM is making it safer and easier for children to walk and bike to school.  Walking to school is a fun and recreational exercise for students and parents. Children practice and observe safe pedestrian skills with the added bonus of arriving at school alert and ready to learn. In addition, by walking and biking to school children learn an environmentally friendly alternative to driving. In the big picture, reducing driving for school drop off reduces local traffic congestion, auto emissions, agirl_on_bikend traffic accident risk.

The biggest SRTS event of the year is Walk to School Day, held in early October. This year, we registered 19 schools in 14 different towns, representing 5,000 eligible students. Walk to School Day events included group walks to school, tables at the school entrance, and walks around the school neighborhood during the school day. In addition to stickers, worksheets, and bookmarks, KMM provided reflective zipper pulls for each participant and “We Take Safe Routes” banners to each school. Executive Director Bill Neary and staff members Peter Bilton and Vicki Becker helped at events in Milltown, East Brunswick, New Brunswick, and Highland Park.

This year, we’re adding a Spring Walk and Bike to School Day which will be discussed at a workshop in February. Also on the agenda are walking school buses, KMM’s Golden Sneaker contest, bike rodeos, and engaging walk and bike safety classroom or assembly presentations. To learn how you can bring a Safe Routes programto your school or register for our February 25, 2013, contact KMM.