Beat the Summer Heat!

Summertime is best spent by the pool, picnics at the park, beach trips, and family vacations. But keep in mind, along with all of the summers’ delights, it brings the heat, humidity, and dangerously oppressive temperatures!

Too much heat exposure can cause several heat-related illnesses such as heatstroke, heat exhaustion, heat cramps, and even death. According to the National Safety Council, heatstrokes are among the leading causes of death in teens, young adults and the elderly. This is due to excessive heat exposure during work, practices, and sporting events outdoors.

Most cases of heatstrokes can be prevented, but many do not know how to prevent them. Here are some preventative measures to stay safe and to stay cool:

  1. Drink Water, Stay Hydrated. As you lose water from sweating, your body temperature rises, so replacing these fluids is essential to keeping cool on hot summer days. Water isn’t your only option for staying hydrated. Eating fruits and vegetables with high water content, such as cucumbers and berries can do the same thing.
  2. Take Breaks. Taking multiple 5-10 minute breaks to find some shade or air conditioning during your outdoor run, practice or work schedule helps your body cool down and lower its temperature. By doing this, you rejuvenate your body to get the job that you started done.
  3. Dress Light. Wearing light colors and breathable fabrics like cotton or linen, especially on scorching hot days lets your body and pores stay cooler.

Whatever your plans may be on a summers day, remember that the heat can do some damage. By following our preventative measures and being prepared, we can help you beat the heat this summer!

Red, White, and Blue ~ Happy 4th of July!

Fourth of July festivities are celebrated in so many ways, here in New Jersey.  Some mark the holiday by hosting a  barbecue, taking a trip to the beach or lake, seeing a firework show, or taking in a parade.  No matter how or where you celebrate, keep these safety tips in mind.

Hosting a barbecue? Remember to always keep an eye on the grill – before, during, and after grilling.  Keep the grill out in the open, away from the house, tree branches, or anything that could potentially catch fire.

Maybe the Jersey shore or west Jersey Lake is scheduled for the 4th?  Apply sunscreen prior to being exposed to the sun and be sure to stay hydrated.  Reapply after several hours in or out of the water.  Whether in the ocean or lake, obey all warnings and safety messages – especially rip current warnings at the shore!

If fireworks are a part of your Fourth of July tradition, remember to park or stand in designated areas.  If you are tailgating and the venue allows alcohol, please drink responsibly and designate a driver.  Remind children to be aware of their surroundings too. And most importantly, steer clear of any fireworks that may have misfired.

No matter what you do or where you go this 4th of July, remember that most roads may see more traffic. Be mindful of others on the road, watch your speed, don’t use your cell phone while driving and most importantly, do not drink and drive.  If you are taking mass transit, remember that some trains and buses run on holiday schedules so be sure to check before you leave.

Enjoy the Fourth of July, have fun, stay safe and celebrate America’s birthday!

Stop! Before you go!

Doesn’t it seem that everyone on the road is in a rush to get somewhere?  Some are in such a hurry that they even disobey stop sign laws!

Recently, we have been noticing (and commuters have shared with us) that drivers are not completing full stops when approaching stop signs.  Many drivers tend to approach a stop sign, slow down, and then round off the turn without completely stopping. This is illegal and extremely dangerous!   Stop signs are put in place for everyone’s safety. Not only for the safety of the driver but for the safety of pedestrians, cyclist, and all others as well. Driving or rolling through a stop sign endangers everyone at the intersection.

Need to brush-up on stop sign laws?  Here is what you need to know:

  1. Come to a complete stop at a stop sign. The law specifies drivers need to stop “within five feet of the nearest crosswalk or stop line marked upon the pavement at the near side of the intersecting street.”
  2. Yield to the person on the right if you both arrive at the intersection at the same time.

It is everyone’s duty at the stop sign to follow the laws set in place.  Reaching your destination, despite how late you are, is not worth an accident.  Come to a complete stop at a stop sign.  For your safety and the safety of others!

Happy National Selfie Day!

June 21st is National Selfie Day! It’s a cinch to participate in this holiday. Just pose, snap, and post.

But most importantly, take that selfie safely.  Here’s how:

If you take a trip to the beach, getting the waves crashing behind you is a great way to show how you are spending your summer day.   Be sure to scan the area for any riptides and heed any lifeguard warnings.  Hold on tight to your phone too.  That wave crashing behind you can be far stronger than you think!

If you are going for a bike ride, the possibilities are endless of what you can share – action shots, landscapes, and your very cool bike gear.  While all these shots can be epic, it’s smarter to pull over and snap that picture than to take the picture while biking.

Spending the day walking with co-workers for lunch or dinner alfresco with friends? There is plenty to capture and share too.  Just remember to not snap and post that perfect selfie while walking.

Most importantly be aware of your surroundings.  That big smile you’ll post on social media for all to see should be fun and worry-free.   So snap that pic, and Get your Selfie on!

Summer Pet Safety

It’s a beautiful, sunny day and you just spent part of your day tossing tennis balls to your furry friend at the park. Heading home, you realize you need to pick up a few things from the supermarket; it should only take about five minutes. Sure, the sun is shining and it is about 80 degrees, but it will only be a few minutes, so there is no harm in leaving your friend in the car, right?

WRONG. You never leave your pet in a car on a warm day.

Every year, hundreds of pets die from heat exhaustion as a result of being left in parked cars on warm days.  On a 75-degree day, the inside of a parked car can climb to 110 degrees in only minutes. In 20 minutes on a 90-degree day, the same car can get up to 130 degrees inside which is unsafe for humans and animals. You may think cracking the windows will help your pet, but the truth is that opened windows make very little difference to the inside temperature of your car.

Heatstroke is the main danger for pets in hot cars. Animals can sustain brain damage or even die from heatstroke in just 15 minutes. Beating the heat is extra tough for dogs because they can only cool themselves by panting. If they are stuck in a hot car, the cool air they receive is little to none and makes cooling down much harder.

Like most busy pet parents, you may be pressed for time and think that surely it’s okay to leave your pet for just a few minutes. The excuses: “Oh, it will just be a few minutes while I go into the store,” or “But I cracked the windows…” do not amount to much if your pet becomes seriously ill or dies from being left in a car.

If you love your furry friend as much as they love you, rethink leaving them in the car the next time you are out on a warm, sunny day.

Ready, Set, Run!

Lace your sneakers. Check your watch. Stretch your legs.  But before taking a lap around your block, check out our running safety tips:

Do Not Run Alone. Having a friend or dog with you as a running partner will make you a less attractive target for potential attackers. This also helps inspire others to join you while being active and having fun.

Run Against Traffic. This helps prevent traffic related accidents, especially if you are someone who likes to run early in the morning or at dusk.

Look Both Ways. At any time during your run, be sure to look both ways before crossing the street. Staying aware of oncoming traffic and cars that may not see you.

Always Bring Your Cellphone. Having your cellphone handy while running is the best way to communicate with others in case of any accident or emergency.

Know Where You Are Going. Running confidently not only displays confidence but also allows you to enjoy your run without any confusion or disruptions.

It does not matter how fast you run or how far you may go. The most important thing is that you have fun and participate in safe ways. June 6th is National Running Day and the day promotes simply putting one foot in front of the other so you can get moving.

Put on your running shoes, grab your running partner and embrace the day!

Stop. Think. Act.

June is National Safety Month and there is no better time to brush up on your summer safety skills than right now. Temperatures are rising and schools are closing their doors for the summer. So whether you are at home, on the road or at play, safety should always be your first priority.

  1. While driving, you should: Make sure everyone in the car is wearing his or her seatbelt. Never drive under the influence or when drowsy. Never talk on your cell phone or text. Avoid aggressive driving and speeding. Be aware of children at play and other pedestrians.
  2. While riding a bike, you should: Always wear a helmet. Wear sneakers and/or another type of closed toed shoes. Be aware of your surroundings and cars on the road. When at an intersection always walk your bike across the street.
  3. While simply enjoying the outdoors, you should: Be aware of the temperature and heat. Always protect your skin by using sunscreen and wearing a hat. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

There are 92 days in the summer season, here on the northeast.  Make the most of each day – safe and smart.

Happy Summer, Friends!

PS.  we do not recommend driving with legs out of the car window – only when safely parked enjoying summer sunrises, days, or sunsets 😉

Did you know? Earth Day Facts!

Many communities across Middlesex County will be hosting events celebrating Earth Day.  Stream and lake clean-ups, community shredding events, and tree planting are just some of the events happening this weekend.

Did you know…

  • The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970.  On the very fist Earth Day, 20 million people gathered in the streets of America to protest the industrial revolution.  An environment movement was born as a result.
  • One result of the first Earth Day was the creation of the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Clean Air Act.
  • Dennis Hayes took Earth Day international in 1990.  It is believed that it’s now the largest secular holiday in the world.
  • In 2009, the United Nations renamed Earth Day as International Mother Earth Day.
  • In 2018, it is predicted that Earth Day will be celebrated by more than one billion people world wide.

Will you be one of those billion?


My Favorite place to Bike or Walk!

Walking and biking are fun and healthy ways to get around when it’s done safely.  KMM encourages 3rd graders across Middlesex County to walk or bike to school, to the park, and wherever you go!

Here at KMM, we are sponsoring a bookmark illustrating contest for all Middlesex County students in the 3rd grade to create a bookmark that best embodies the theme My Favorite Place to Walk or Bike.  Winner of the contest will receive a $100 gift card from Provident Bank and the illustration will also be printed and distributed to schools across the County.

For more details and to enter, Download the Form and mail it back to our offices.  All entries must be postmarked by March 24, 2018.

Travel Green. Travel Clean.

Keeping our water, air, and land pollution-free is vital to everyday life.   It’s our job to keep our Earth green! We must conserve as much energy as we can at home, at school, and in our day-to-day activities. For example, using the bus to get to school, riding a bike to the park, or carpooling with friends to a practice or game are all ways that we can help reduce pollution.

Here at KMM, we are sponsoring a bookmark illustrating contest for all Middlesex County students in the 5th grade to create a bookmark that best embodies the theme Travel Green. Travel Clean.  Winner of the contest will receive a $100 gift card from Magyar Bank and the illustration will also be printed and distributed to schools across the County.

For more details and to enter, download this form and mail it back to our offices.  All entries must be postmarked by March 24, 2018.