Lace up your Sneakers

roosevelt-park-middlesex-countyjpg-1f9815b2dbf4c121With the weather slowly (very slowly) warming up,  everyone is spending more and more time outside walking, playing or just enjoying the fresh air.

Here in New Jersey, we are very lucky to have some of the most beautiful parks to explore  and we also have many communities that boast hiking trails and fun parks.

But before you lace up your sneakers, here are some walking safety tips.

Visibility – Make sure that you can be seen.
  • Wear bright-colored or light-colored clothing such as a cap, hat, jacket, vest  to make you more visible to other ans drivers.
  • Attach a piece of high visibility fluorescent material to your purse, backpack, briefcase, or any item in plain view.
Awareness – Make sure someone knows of your plans if you are hiking.
  • Inform family or a friend if you are planning a hike or long walk.
  • Make sure to have a bottle of water and some fruit or nutrition bars.
  • Bring your charged cellphone and a back-up battery.
Community Walking – Walking in the city poses many risks.  Know what is expected of you as a pedestrian

  • Cross only at corners or designated crosswalks.
  • Stop at the curb and look left-right-left.
  • Before stepping off the curb, be sure all vehicles have stopped. Make sure drivers see you.
  • Walk in front of parked cars instead of behind them whenever possible.
  • Listen for engine noise
  • Look for back-up lights.
Walking can be an enjoyable way to not only explore your community but it’s a great way to exercise too!  Happy Walking!
Photo Credit: Roosevelt Park, Middlesex County, NJ

Lunch Time by Foot

walkingKMM is located in the heart of vibrant New Brunswick, NJ where banks, the post office, all sorts of stores, and even the State Theater are within walking distance. Our staff relishes all this convenience, especially at lunch time when the city is our oyster.

American, Italian, Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, Caribbean, and Ethiopian cuisine as well as the Hyatt’s Glasswoods Tavern offer attractive eat in options. For something fast, New Brunswick boasts barbeque, burgers, soups, salads, hot dogs, subs, and sandwiches. And, if we just can’t decide, we head over to the new supermarket which has an abundant take out menu. We frequent delightful ice cream and yogurt shops guilt free because we are walking to and from the yummy establishments.

Admittedly, winter has curtailed our lunchtime outdoor activities somewhat. For now, we’re mostly brown bagging around our conference table.

Despite the cold, wind, snow, and ice, we do get out, waiting for the “perfect” day, defined loosely as one with temperatures above 20 degrees and no precipitation. Lacing up our boots, putting on our mittens, and wrapping up in scarves, and hats, we’re ready to brave the elements. Walking gingerly to avoid ice, we mince our way down the sidewalk to a nearby eatery for something hot to eat-in or take out.

Sadly, we’ve haven’t enjoyed too many of these excursions. When it comes to walking in winter, we use common sense. If it’s cold, if it’s slippery, if the snow is piled high at intersections, we stay in the office and look longingly at our sneakers sitting untouched in the corner waiting, like us, for Spring.

New York City by Four

1497648_688135747892945_821497177_nThe Big Apple during the Holiday Season is truly magical – especially through the eyes of  a child experiencing it for the very first time.

Recently, I took a day off from keeping Middlesex moving (no worries, Middlesex kept moving because of our terrific staff) and I practiced what I preached.

Together with my husband and two absolutely delighted children, we drove to our local train station.  And because we were commuting with children, we raced to grab the NJ TRANSIT Northeast Corridor train bound for the Big Apple just in the nick of time.

The train ride into NYC was filled with late morning commuters who I swore, cracked a smile when they noticed my gleeful children asking the train agent if she had hot chocolate to share , “You know, like on the Polar Express!”

Soon we pulled into New York Penn Station and we tightly gripped the children’s hands and headed up to the busy Manhattan streets, that under the gray skies truly looked like they were paved with glitter.

On foot, we navigated the Avenues pointing out landmarks the children had either seen on tv or read about – until we reached our destination –  Rockefeller Center.

Despite the complaints about the long, fast paced walk, the pay-off was priceless.

After completing the obligatory holiday stops: the Christmas Spectacular, visiting the Lego, American Girl and FAO Schwartz stores and a quick prayer in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, we piled into a bona fide yellow NYC cab at rush hour to meet with friends for dinner in Tribeca.  “No seatbelts!?!??!” cried the kids in glee.

Dinner was splendid and filled with much laughter and smiles despite the trip being almost over.  But the trip would not be complete without a ride down under – that is, the subway.  So as the night came to close, we hoped on the 2 express and grabbed the only available seat and huddled together as we swayed along the bumps and jerks of the New York Subway.

As we waited for the NJ TRANSIT train home in the nicely decorated waiting area, the children were still smiling ear to ear.

“Thank you Mommy and Daddy. I wish we could do this every year!”

We saw New York City by four with four and created memories that I hope, they will enjoy for a long time!




New Jersey Kick-offs New Pedestrian Safety Pilot Program

streetsmartStreet Smart urges all roadway users to obey vital roadway signs to prevent crashes

A new pedestrian safety pilot program is underway in Newark, Woodbridge, Hackettstown, and Jersey City. The “Street Smart” campaign, a collaborative effort between public, private and non-profit organizations, urges motorists and pedestrian to “check your vital signs” to improve your safety on the road.

The “vital signs” message reminds both drivers and pedestrians to pay attention and adhere to posted signage, which will make travel safer for all roadway users. For motorists, that means observing posted speed limits and stop signs, and stopping for pedestrians in marked crosswalks. If you’re on foot, use crosswalks and wait for the walk signal. If everyone heeded these signs, crashes could be prevented and lives saved. The message may seem simple, but it’s vitally important.

The campaign is long overdue. New Jersey ranks 14th in the nation in pedestrian fatalities and is designated a “focus” state by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Between 2009 and 2012, 565 pedestrians were killed and more than 17,000 injured on our roadways — that translates to one death every 2.5 days and 11 injuries daily. Last year, 568 people died in motor vehicle crashes in New Jersey — 25 percent were pedestrians.

At a campaign kick-off event held November 1 at the New Jersey Institute of Technology campus in Newark, representatives from the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority, which is coordinating the campaign in partnership with FHWA, the New Jersey Department of Transportation and the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety, joined with municipal and law enforcement officials, and safety and public health advocates. They unveiled the campaign message and outreach materials, and discussed the effects of speed on pedestrian safety. If a pedestrian is struck by a car going 20 mph or slower, the odds of survival are good. At speeds above 35 mph, the impact is likely to be fatal.

The campaign uses advertising, grassroots public awareness efforts and law enforcement to address pedestrian safety. Community groups are joining with businesses, schools, churches, hospitals, and non-profit organizations to post and distribute information including tips for all roadway users.

Police officers in the pilot communities are enforcing pedestrian safety laws. They’re focusing on motorists who fail to obey New Jersey’s law requiring them to stop for pedestrians in a crosswalk, as well as pedestrians who jaywalk. They’re also addressing speeding, illegal turns and distracted and inattentive driving and walking, which contribute to pedestrian-motor vehicle crashes.

Despite the program being piloted in these four communities, roadway users throughout New Jersey are urged to get on board. The goal of the Street Smart campaign is to reduce the number of pedestrian injuries and fatalities on all roadways. It is possible. Check your vital signs. Obey the law.  Lives are on the line.


credit: NJTPA

Keep Your Eyes Up!

Woman On Her Cell PhoneWhat happens when Old Bridge High School 10th graders navigate an obstacle course containing a stop sign, traffic circle, pedestrians in a crosswalk and a traffic light, all while performing a math problem on a calculator?

KMM joined Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in conducting a Distracted Driver/Pedestrian Program and the results were not surprising!   Of the 200 students who walked the course, only a handful received a perfect score.  When evaluated after the program, the students never realized the mistakes they made while concentrating on their calculations. The results were indeed sobering.

The program is designed to educate students about the dangers of being distracted while driving or being a pedestrian.  And since Middlesex County carries the #1 rank in the state for pedestrian accidents, the need to start educating our younger generation is important.

Remember, regardless of our age, we all need to be aware of our surroundings when out on the roads and concentrate on getting to our destination safely.

Pay Attention

Pay-attention1I turned into the street and moved into the right lane.  The light was in my favor and I signaled my intention to turn right.  But, I slammed on my brakes as I made the turn because a bicyclist who ran his red light almost ran into me.  I sat there fuming as he pedaled away totally oblivious to the accident he almost caused.

But there’s more.  A few blocks later, I put on my left turn blinker.  The driver of a car approaching in the opposite direction signaled that he was turning to his left.  Thank goodness I paused a moment before taking the turn.  If I had not, the car left would have crashed into mine because the driver didn’t turn left at all.  He drove straight ahead even as his left turn signal blinked.

If we’re on the road as motorists, pedestrians, or bicyclists, we all have to be careful and watch what we’re doing.  Stop lights are for everybody, those who are driving, walking or bicycling.  Turn signals mean the motorist or bicyclist (who should know hand signals) intends to turn.

It’s real simple.  Pay attention.

The Shore Attitude – Beyond Summer

Beach%20Pic%201The bright sun streaming through your window wakes you up – it’s going to be another hot day on the Jersey Shore. You and your family put on bathing suits, t-shirts and sandals, and walk a couple blocks to that breakfast place for pancakes. Later, you load up the cart for the three block walk to the beach while your eldest rides off on a cruiser bike to meet her friends on the boardwalk. On the walk, you wave hello to your neighbors for the week and stop to chat, while your youngest tugs at your shirt to keep going – the waves are waiting.

Summer vacation is great time to experience the joys of living “car-lite” by walking and biking where you need to go, but why can’t we bring some of that lifestyle and attitude with us when it’s time to return to work and school? Here are some ideas.
Group your walkable errands.

Got places to go near your home or office? Instead of stopping there in your car on your way to/from someplace else, plan ahead and save those errands for an evening or weekend walk. You’ll get things done, and some exercise, too!

Meet the neighbors

While you’re out, take a moment to say hello. Pet the dogs, sniff the flowers, and take a moment to enjoy your neighborhood.

Encourage your children

Show your children how to get around their neighborhood on foot and by bike, then encourage them to make that choice. Don’t just drive them because you can, or because “it’s hottttt,” “it’s colllld,” “it’s raining,” or “I have a backpack.” Make sure they’ve learned and practiced crossing the street and bicycling safely.

Ride slow.

Just because you’re home, doesn’t mean you have to be racing your bike. Where would you ride at a leisurely pace? To the coffee shop? The pool? A friend’s barbecue?

Any clothing is bike clothing.

If you can ride to the beach in a bathing suit and flip-flops, you can ride at home in, well, anything that works for the weather. Wear a helmet, and use lights at night (a front white light and a red rear light).


Share the Road, Save a Life!

share-the-road1The warm weather has finally arrived and that means more people are leaving their cars behind and opting for pedal power to get to their destinations. Not only is this a fun way to explore the sights and sounds of the GardenState, but it also incorporates physical fitness into your day. And for many NJ residents, bicycling is the only form of transportation to get to and from work.

If you’re an avid bike rider, you’re probably aware of the rules of the road, but if you’re not very experienced, or just prefer to drive in the comfort of your car at all times, it’s important to remember that the road belongs to both bicyclists and automobiles. We need to practice mutual respect and follow all state and local traffic laws in order to reach our destinations safely.

New Jersey’s Motor Vehicles and Traffic Regulations laws recognizes bicycles as a vehicle and grants bicyclists all the same rights and responsibilities as any other automobile traveling along our state’s roadways. This means, that bicycles are permitted on all roadways, unless expressly stated otherwise, and must follow the same traffic rules and patterns as motor vehicles.

According to the Tri-State Transportation Campaign, there are an average of 173 reported bicycle accidents in MiddlesexCounty every year. In 2010, the National Highway Traffic Safety Commission reported 12 fatalities related to bicycle accidents throughout the state.

So what can we do to prevent bicycling accidents and fatalities? offers these common sense tips to bicyclists and motorists:



Obey all vehicle traffic laws, lights and signs

Use hand signals to signify stops and turns to other vehicles

Stay to the right of the road and always ride in the same direction as traffic

Wear bright colored/reflective clothing and a proper fitting helmet

Use front and rear lights when riding at dawn and dusk

Make eye contact with the driver of other vehicles and proceed with caution.



Reduce speed when approaching bicyclists

Do not tailgate or follow too closely; Give the bicyclist space

Yield to bicyclists and give them the right of way, do not try to beat them to the intersection.

When passing, leave four feet between you and the bike rider

Do not blast your horn next to a bicyclist, as this may startle the rider and cause them to lose control.

Make eye contact with the bicyclist and proceed with caution.

Remember the road belongs to everyone. Following these simple rules will ensure we all have a safe and happy trip.

Safer Routes to School, All Year Round

Through a partnership with the New Jersey Department of Transportation and local communities and schools, KMM is making it safer and easier for children to walk and bike to school.  Walking to school is a fun and recreational exercise for students and parents. Children practice and observe safe pedestrian skills with the added bonus of arriving at school alert and ready to learn. In addition, by walking and biking to school children learn an environmentally friendly alternative to driving. In the big picture, reducing driving for school drop off reduces local traffic congestion, auto emissions, agirl_on_bikend traffic accident risk.

The biggest SRTS event of the year is Walk to School Day, held in early October. This year, we registered 19 schools in 14 different towns, representing 5,000 eligible students. Walk to School Day events included group walks to school, tables at the school entrance, and walks around the school neighborhood during the school day. In addition to stickers, worksheets, and bookmarks, KMM provided reflective zipper pulls for each participant and “We Take Safe Routes” banners to each school. Executive Director Bill Neary and staff members Peter Bilton and Vicki Becker helped at events in Milltown, East Brunswick, New Brunswick, and Highland Park.

This year, we’re adding a Spring Walk and Bike to School Day which will be discussed at a workshop in February. Also on the agenda are walking school buses, KMM’s Golden Sneaker contest, bike rodeos, and engaging walk and bike safety classroom or assembly presentations. To learn how you can bring a Safe Routes programto your school or register for our February 25, 2013, contact KMM.


Having “the Talk.” Handing over the Keys.

The other day, I was on the phone with my friend Anna when she screamed, “Stop, Jim, stop!  There’s a stop sign!  Phew! That was close.” 

She was a passenger in the car with her 80 something husband who refuses to relinquish the car keys.  Most of the time, she cajoles him into letting her drive but sometimes, especially for trips around town, Jim insists on getting behind the wheel.

Anna knows Jim should not be driving.  She’s tried hiding the car keys.  He made a spare set which he hides from her.  She’s thought of disabling his car.  But, Jim is pretty handy and he’d have it up and running in no time.  She has suggested less stressful routes.  But, Jim knows how to get “there” and doesn’t want to go a “longer” way.

What Anna hasn’t done is talk to Jim.  Her attempts to start a conversation have been rebuffed.  He doesn’t want to discuss it and she doesn’t want to start an argument.  She knows that being dependent on others to get where he wants to go would be devastating.  For Anna and Jim and other husbands and wives and parents and children, it’s hard to have “the talk.”, a healthy aging help center, helps readers figure out when the time for “the talk” is right.  Diminished strength, coordination, and flexibility, problems with vision and hearing, reduced range of motion, and forgetfulness may be signs that driving should be curtailed.  If a driver has a few “close calls” like hitting the mailbox or begins receiving tickets or citations, or is driving erratically – too fast, no signals, sudden lane changes, it’s time.

It’s important to cover all the bases first.  If hearing or vision is a problem, will a hearing aid or new glasses help?  Can the manual transmission vehicle be replaced with one with an automatic transmission, power steering, and power brakes?  Are there slower roads?  Can driving be done only in daylight?  Is a senior driver refresher course available?  Sometimes, solutions like these can extend a person’s driving time.

But, if adjustments can’t be made, it is time for “the talk.”  The conversation should be respectful and helpful.  Emphasize safety, not only of the driver but of others on the road.  If possible identify options – public transit, senior shuttles, taxis, ridesharing or family, friends, and neighbors who would be willing to help out with transportation needs.

Anna is working up to “the talk.”  She’s spoken to Jim’s doctor and is trying to find a professional who can evaluate Jim’s driving behavior.  She’s going to bring in family members to reassure Jim of their support.  They all love Jim and want him to stay active and involved.  They just don’t want him driving.