Tune in to Mobility Matters

We are thrilled to share that KMM will be launching a radio show /podcast – Mobility Matters – on WCTC 1450 AM radio beginning in April 2019. Tune in on Wednesdays at 10 am. Join us as we talk to leading experts in the fields of transportation, sustainability, and economic development.

Pollution Solution

Recently, NASA announced the earth’s temperature has risen 1.8 degrees since the late 19th century. It’s a big deal because scientists believe a 2-degree increase would result in melting ice caps, rising sea levels, warmer oceans, more hurricanes, floods, droughts, and wildfires.  All of this is due to the increase of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane which are produced by humans and emitted into the air.  So what can we do about this?

EDUCATION.  KMM is sponsoring a bookmark drawing contest to all 5th graders in Middlesex County. Students are encouraged to create a bookmark illustrating the theme of Pollution Solutions.  Some examples include:

  • Plant a tree
  • Grow your own garden
  • Start to compost
  • Use a rake instead of a leaf blower
  • Turn off all lights when not in use
  • Fill up the dishwasher
  • Recycle and Reuse paper
  • Avoid plastic bags, straws, and utensils

To participate, 5th-grade students from Middlesex County must design an original piece (bookmark) artwork in color and must be submitted using the entry form included in this post.  We ask just one entry per student and all entries must be submitted by April 15, 2019. The winner will receive a $100 gift card from Magyar Bank. The winning bookmark will be printed and distributed to schools in Middlesex County.

For more information, download the info sheet provided.   Best wishes to all participants!

KMM 2019 Bookmark Contest 5th grade Entry Sheet

KMM 2019 Bookmark Contest 5th grade Info Sheet

Love your Commute

Commuting can be one of those items that fall way down on the list of things you love to do.  And you are not alone.  The average travel time for working New Jerseyans is 31.2 minutes, which is almost seven minutes longer than the average US commute.  So what can we do to make your commute better?

Commute Smarter.  Sounds silly, right edlekarna.cz?   Before you click away, let us explain.

Our staff can help you find a commute that not only maximizes your time spent commuting but also do so in a way that is sustainable for both your wallet and the environment.  We manage a host of databases that can match you with a carpool or vanpool partner.  We can connect you with transit-friendly solutions and provide you with tools that make biking to work an option if that is something you think you would like.  We even have a free NJ Traffic app you can download and customize to your commute! And if all options are not available for you, we can recommend the best podcasts or apps to accompany you on your commute.

Don’t spend one more moment dreading your commute.  Let us help you love your commute.   Reach out to us.

We’d be happy to help!

KMM Launches the Silver Safety Series

KMM is excited to announce the launch of our new program for active adults called – Silver Safety Series. The program provides a number of interactive presentations that deal with driving safety, pedestrian issues, on-demand transportation alternatives, and even health and exercise. This program can be presented individually or as series and features interactive presentations, light refreshments, and giveaways.

Available to senior centers across Middlesex County, the program is FREE and can even be customized to each facility. Listed below are the options.  Again, a senior center can pick and choose which of the presentations they would like to offer and schedule them for a 1/2 day or as a series.  To learn more, or to schedule the Silver Safety Series, call our office (732-745-4465).


Senior Pedestrian Safety Presentation
20-minute interactive presentation on driving safety

Jay Walker Show
A 30-minute distracted walking video

A 10-minute presentation offering information for on-demand
transportation service for senior citizens


Snow is the Forecast…

Although winter comes as no surprise, many of us are not ready for its arrival. Winter storms or other severe weather conditions can cause serious damage. This winter season it is important to think about winter weather approaching and most importantly to be prepared for it. Here are some tips to help you get through the cold this winter:





Prepare Yourself

  • Stay indoors during the storm.
  • Walk carefully and cautiously on snowy, icy walkways.
  • Stay dry. Wear winter essentials like a hat, gloves, scarf, and jacket as a way of protection against the cold.
  • Check your homes heating system. Make sure that it is properly working.
  • Be aware of the current weather forecast. Know of any changes with the weather that could possibly make it worse.

Prepare your Car

  • Drive only if it is absolutely necessary. If you must drive, do not travel alone.
  • Clear snow off from the top of the car, headlights, and windows.
  • Top off antifreeze, windshield wiper fluid, gas, and oil before you begin your journey.
  • Make sure your tires have enough tread.
  • Keep bagged salt in the trunk to melt ice or for emergency purposes.

The winter season can sometimes be a scary one. This is why it is important to be prepared for any type of weather condition winter may bring. If you are prepared for the hazards of winter, you will be more likely to stay safe and healthy when temperatures start to fall.

Old Man Winter Safety Tips

Now that the winter has arrived, temperatures will be dropping and snow will be falling. Whether you’re walking or driving during the winter months, its best to be prepared so you stay safe.

Walk Smart. As a pedestrian, it’s your job to be aware of your surroundings at all times. If you know that snow is headed your way make sure to plan ahead. Before you walk out the door, make sure that you wear the proper footwear. Sneakers or snow boot are the best type of shoe for the winter weather. Be sure to take your time and don’t rush and look up when navigating the sidewalk. This method allows you to anticipate ice or an uneven surface. Along with taking your time, you should occasionally scan from left to right to ensure that you aren’t in the way of vehicles or other hazards.

Drive Smart. Injuries during the winter aren’t always from slipping on ice, but can also result from car crashes. The snow and ice do more than we think. Not being visible, black ice is the most dangerous of all to drivers. Always leave extra time to get to your destination. By taking your time and doing the speed limit can help ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road. And be extra cautious in parking lots.  They are difficult to clear and the snow piles take long to melt. Always be aware of pedestrians, snow piles, and cars that may slide or skid on ice.

If you are a home or business owner, make sure sidewalks, walkways and driveways are cleared of any snow, ice or other slippery materials that could get in the way of the pedestrian and drivers.

No matter how well the snow and ice are removed or melted from parking lots, sidewalks and the roads, it’s imperative to walk and drive smart. Together, we are all responsible for our safety and the safety of others this winter season.

Holiday Driving Safety Tips

Tis the season…Christmas and New Years is a time where many people gather to enjoy the holiday season with their loved ones and friends. Gatherings and celebrations are filled with grand meals complete with turkey and all the fixings, ugly sweater parties, mistletoe, and eggnog.

Unfortunately, this time of year can also be one of the deadliest due to impaired driving. One of the deadliest and most often committed crimes is drunk driving. It is a serious safety epidemic in our country and across the world. During the holiday season, the number of drunk drivers on the road grows rapidly and more fatalities occur during this time.  Let’s change that this year.

Here are 5 tips to share with young drivers, family members, and friends before going out to celebrate the holidays:

  1. Be responsible. If you know that someone is drinking, do not let that person get into a car and drive away.
  2. Have a designated driver. A good way to figure this out is to decide who’s going to be doing the driving before you go out. Also, make sure that person doesn’t drink any alcoholic beverages.
  3. Call a taxi or Uber as a backup. Sometimes you cannot rely on all designated drivers.
  4. Take the keys. You shouldn’t be afraid to take someone’s car keys if you know that they have been drinking and that you are going to save their life.
  5. If you know that you have had too much to drink, stay put, and sober up.

Do your part this holiday season by staying aware, staying sober, and staying safe.  Happy and Safe Holidays to you and yours!

Take a Hike!

Hiking is a great outdoor activity delivering benefits beyond scenic and fun. Unlike regular walking, hiking involves much more. Here are some safety tips to cover before you go out for your hike.

  1. Check the weather. Leading up to and a few hours before your hike, check the weather. The weather, especially this time of year, isn’t always predictable. It’s better to be aware and prepared instead of being surprised while on your hike.
  2. Pack the essentials. Nothing is worse than being on your hike and not be prepared for emergency situations. Some key essentials to have with you at all times are map/compass, sunscreen, extra clothing, cell phone, water, and food.
  3. Wear the right clothing. Painful feet can ruin any hike. Invest in high-quality hiking shoes and thick socks. Wearing layers is the best way to be prepared. You can always take them off and put them back on when needed.
  4. Know where you’re going. Before heading on your hike, make sure that you and whoever else is going is aware of where you are going. Showing up for hiking and not knowing where to go can lead to an unsuccessful hike. Go over the trail and/or trails that you will be covering that day, that way you can be safe and enjoy the experience.

Tis the Season… Safety Tips for Holiday Shopping

Now that the holiday season is in full swing,  many of us will be checking our lists and heading out to the malls and town centers for holiday shopping. To help you shop safely, we’ve put together some Holiday Shopping tips.

  1. Before heading out to the big sales, map out the stores you plan to visit by trip chaining.  This not only saves on fuel, but it is also a most effective use of time.
  2. Something a lot of people forget when shopping is their own health. Have plenty of water and snacks with you in case your shopping takes longer than expected. Bring hand warmers for long outdoor lines.
  3. Parking lots are where most of the danger occurs during the holiday season. Don’t park between large vehicles. This might obscure your vision when you pull out and shoppers may not see you. Wear reflective clothing to make you visible in busy parking lots.
  4. Leave your car at home and take mass transitNJ TRANSIT serves many of the malls in Middlesex County and provides frequent stops.  Leave the driving to them and enjoy your shopping.

Wishing all of our friends a safe and joyous holiday season.

Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween is here! Along with all the costumes, preparation, and candy, we need to keep safety on our top list of priorities.  During this time of year, parents need to go over safety rules with their children before trick-or-treating begins and drivers need to be more aware than ever.

Here are some safety precautions for children, parents, and driver to follow to make this year’s Halloween a successful one.

  1. Always walk on sidewalks or paths and cross the street at corners, using traffic signals and the designated crosswalks. Look both ways when crossing and make sure your electronic devices are away so they do not take your eyes off of the road.
  2. Teach children to watch for cars that are turning or backing up, and to never dart out into the street or cross between parked cars.
  3. Younger children should not be alone at night without adult supervision. Create a parent group to go out trick-or-treating so you become a part of all the fun.
  4. Drivers need to slow down and be especially alert in residential neighborhoods.
  5. Children are excited on Halloween and may move in unpredictable ways, so as a driver it’s your responsibility to see them. Take extra time to look for kids at intersections, on medians, and on curbs.

Halloween is an exciting time of year for everyone. Together, we are all responsible- as pedestrians and drivers to make this year’s Halloween a safe and successful one.